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Accrue Pay Web Widgets are small self-contained web components that can be embedded anywhere in your web experience.

They provide information to the user about their wallet balance including available funds status and reward earning potential.

All widgets are customizable to fit the needs of your applications. Your dedicated account manager will assist you with all customizations.

Embedding widgets in HTML

First make sure that you are loading the main script in your page.

Accrue Pay Script

To display a widget, on any page where you have the main script loaded, place HTML tags using the following template:

Accrue Pay Widget Components
<accrue-pay widget="{widget-name}"></accrue-pay>

Loading required data

Refer to the Loading widget data guide for more details.

At this point you should have the widget data ready to be passed to the Accrue Pay main script.

Passing the cart total value

Some widgets require the current cart total value to be able to support additional calculations.

The amount passed needs always to be a positive integer representing the amount in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents for $1.00)

During the initial load of your page, please wait for the Accrue Pay script to be ready before calling the following method to update the amount:

Accrue Pay Set Amount Initial Load Example
document.addEventListener("AccruePay::Ready", () => {

You can always update the amount afterward, whenever it changes, by calling again the following method:

Accrue Pay Set Amount Example

Wallet Widgets

To fetch required data for "Wallet Widgets", please use the following Merchant API endpoint: GetWalletWidgetData


Used to display a user's available wallet balance and to allow them to apply that balance to a given order.

Wallet Balance Widget
<accrue-pay widget="wallet-balance"></accrue-pay>
Wallet Balance Widget
Example calculations
Wallet Balance Widget Details

On apply balance toggle event

Accrue Pay - Go to Wallet

document.addEventListener("AccruePay::Ready", () => {
// Type of `payload`: { isApplied: boolean; amount: number; }
window.accruePay.onApplyBalanceToggle((payload) => {
// Your own logic whenever the apply balance is toggled
console.log("APPLY BALANCE TOGGLED", payload);

<accrue-pay widget="wallet-balance"></accrue-pay>

Rewards Preview

Used to display the rewards a user will earn for completing a given purchase.

Wallet Rewards Preview Widget
<accrue-pay widget="wallet-rewards"></accrue-pay>
Wallet Rewards Preview Widget

Payment Success

Used to display the rewards a user earned to their wallet for completing a purchase.

Wallet Payment Success Widget
<accrue-pay widget="wallet-payment-success"></accrue-pay>
Wallet Payment Success Widget

Go to wallet event

Accrue Pay - Go to Wallet

document.addEventListener("AccruePay::Ready", () => {
window.accruePay.onGoToWallet(() => {
// Your own logic to open the Accrue wallet widget
console.log("GO TO WALLET PRESSED");

<accrue-pay widget="wallet-earned-rewards"></accrue-pay>

Bank Widgets

To fetch required data for "Bank Widgets", please use the following Merchant API endpoint: GetBankWidgetData, and use the data-bank-widget attribute in the script to set the payload.

Accrue Pay Script With Widget Data

Bank Rewards

Used to display the rewards the user will get for paying using their bank account. To set the amount on which the rewards will be calculated, please use the setAmount method as in the example above.

Wallet Balance Widget
<accrue-pay widget="bank-rewards"></accrue-pay>
Bank Rewards Widget

Bank Payment Method

Used to display the payment method details. To get the payload for this widget, please use the GetBankWidgetData endpoint using either the reference or paymentId parameters.

Wallet Balance Widget
<accrue-pay widget="bank-payment-method"></accrue-pay>
Bank Rewards Widget