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Inline Flow

  • Integrating Accrue Pay inline means that the user never needs to leave your checkout page.
  • They can sign in and confirm their payment intent right there on your Checkout page.
  • Accrue will handle all the balance checks and push the confirmed Payment Intent back to your app.

Client ID

Your dedicated account manager at Accrue will provide you with Client IDs for all your integrations. The Client ID will look similar to this example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000

Accrue JavaScript Loaded (Controlled)

  • This is our recommended integration method, since we will be able to optimize the user experience for you, with minimal work on your side.
  • You can use <accrue-pay flow="[bank|wallet]"></accrue-pay> to indicate the placement.
  • Please refer to Client Configuration on how to define additional custom placements.
Accrue Pay Inline Integration - Controlled

document.addEventListener("AccruePay::Ready", () => {
window.accruePay.onGetUserData(() => {
// Your own user data to be attached to the user profile stored with Accrue
return {
referenceId: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
email: "",
phoneNumber: "+1212559999",

window.accruePay.onSignIn((payload) => {
// Once the user signs in you'll receive basic profile data that you can store and use for lookups
// {
// id: '497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08',
// referenceId: '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000',
// isNewUser: true,
// }

window.accruePay.onPaymentIntentStart(() => {
// Send the current cart total amount to Accrue Pay.
return {
walletId: "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", // Only required when implementing `Pay by Wallet`
amount: 9999, // Positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00)
"Cart ID, User ID, or any freeform combination of IDs or random strings",

window.accruePay.onPaymentIntentUpdate((paymentIntent) => {
// Store the created payment intent into a form field or local checkout state.

function onPay() {
// Make a request to your backend
// Include the `` in the request body
// As part of your backend logic use the `paymentIntent` to make a request to the `Accrue Merchant API,` then authorize and capture the payment
// Please refer to the `Merchant API Integration` section for more details

<accrue-pay flow="[bank|wallet]"></accrue-pay>
<button onclick="onPay()">Pay</button>

Updating the amount dynamically

Whenever you need to update the amount after the initial load of the SDK, simply call the setAmount method:

Accrue Pay Inline Integration - Update amount dynamically
window.accruePay.setAmount(9999); // Positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00)

No Accrue JavaScript Loaded (Uncontrolled)

  • If, for any reason, you would rather not load any of our JavaScript code to your checkout page then you can construct the iFrame yourself.
  • Please make sure that iframe is rendered properly on your page, using the proper source URL layout: https://pay[-sandbox][flow]/?client={your-client-id}&amount={cart-total-amount}&reference={freeform-reference}
  • Please make sure you are using the appropriate flow:
    • bank for Pay by Bank
    • wallet for Pay by Wallet
  • Please make sure that you are listening to the AccruePay::PaymentIntentUpdated event.
Accrue Pay Inline Integration - Uncontrolled
window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
if (
event.origin === "https://pay[-sandbox]" && === "AccruePay::PaymentIntentUpdated"
) {
const paymentIntent =;
// Store the created payment intent into a form field or local checkout state.

function onPay() {
// Make a request to your backend
// Include the `` in the request body
// As part of your backend logic use the `paymentIntent` to make a request to the `Accrue Merchant API,` then authorize and capture the payment
// Please refer to the `Merchant API Integration` section for more details

title="Accrue Pay"

<button onclick="onPay()">Pay</button>