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Merchant API Integration

  • Once you have integrated Accrue Pay into your Mobile or Web App, you'll be able to Authorize Payments or Capture Payments on your backend.
  • To facilitate this we are providing you with access to our Merchant API, for which you'll receive a Client ID and a Client Secret
  • We'll provide you with additional credentials to access the Sandbox API that you can use in your development environments.

Making requests to the Merchant API

  • For a complete overview please refer to the Merchant API Reference.
  • Our API is designed utilizing the REST paradigm.
  • All requests are HTTP requests. Each request can be one of the following methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT and PATCH.
  • A successful request will return a response in the JSON:API v1.1 specification.


  • The Live version is available at
  • The Sandbox version is available at


Private Requests

  • Private requests can only be made by including your Client Secret, alongside Client ID in request headers.
  • Private requests should never be made from user-facing apps, like Mobile Apps and Web Apps.
Private Request Example - Get Client Limits

Public Requests

  • Public requests can be made from user-facing apps by including your Client ID in request headers.
  • Only a few endpoints are available to be publicly requested.
Public Request Example - Get Client

Payment Intent Flow

  • Once you have successfully integrated Accrue Pay into your Mobile App, or Web App, you'll start forwarding Payment Intents to your backend.
  • A Payment Intent is an object that keeps track of User's choices made on your checkout page/screen and ultimately represents a payment method.
  • A Payment Intent can be promoted to a Payment. Each time you promote an intent, a new Payment will be authorized and created.
  • Once a Payment has been created you can increase-authorization, capture or cancel that payment.

End-to-End Integration

End-to-End Integration Diagram

Payment Authorization and Capture via Bank Rails

  • First promote a Payment Intent to a Payment, using the POST:/payment-intents/:paymentId/authorize endpoint:

    Promote Payment Intent to a Payment Authorization Diagram
  • Once you are ready to capture the payment call the POST:/payments/:paymentId/capture endpoint:

    Capture Payment for a Payment Authorization Diagram
  • Once you capture the payment, funds should be cleared into your bank account at the soonest possible time.

Payment Authorization and Capture via Card Rails (Virtual Debit Cards)

  • First promote a Payment Intent to a Payment, using the POST:/payment-intents/:paymentId/authorize endpoint:
Promote Payment Intent to a Payment Authorization Diagram
  • Retrieve the card details using our special API for fetching cards securely GET:
Ger Virtual Debit Card Securely
  • Use the retrieved Virtual Debit Card to capture the payment through any payment gateway that accepts MasterCard.

Full API Reference

All available requests with descriptions and examples are available here: Merchant API Reference.